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[[Stoptober]](2012) was a campaign fully funded by the [[NHS]] in an effort to get smokers to quit smoking for the whole of October. A hyperbolic version of [[No Smoking day]] if you will.
#redirect [[Octabber]]
[[Stoptober|Octabber]] was set up as a result<ref name="tac">[http://patnurseblog.blogspot.co.uk/2012/09/octabber-vive-le-resistence.html #Octabber - Vive la Résistance!] - Tea and Cigarettes blog</ref><ref name="ool">[http://4liberty.org.uk/2012/09/10/stoptober-octabber/ Stoptober - Octabber] - Orphans of Liberty</ref>, by people sick of the government spending money on telling people how to live their lives.
== Announcement ==
[[Stoptober]] was breathlessly announced by the BBC on 8 Sep 2012:
{{quote|Smokers across England are being urged to quit for a month in a government campaign.
Research has shown that people who manage to stop smoking for that length of time are more likely not to start again.
"[[Stoptober]]" takes place for 28 days from 1 October.<ref name="bbc">[http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-19506327 'Stoptober' stop-smoking campaign launched in England] BBC News</ref>}}
Quite why someone thought that October has only 28 days is unclear.
{{quote|England's Chief Medical Officer Professor Dame [[Sally Davies]] said it was the first time that the government had launched a "mass quit attempt".
The campaign will involve TV and radio advertising, a daily messaging service and roadshows around the country. There is also a [[Stoptober]] app and a Facebook page.
Health Minister [[Norman Lamb]], who said he quit smoking last week, told BBC Breakfast the campaign was "a good investment in health promotion".<ref name="bbc" />}}
Unfortunately there was insufficient space in the BBC's report to mention how much tax-payers money was actually, in Mr Lamb's words "a good investment."
== Reaction ==
As with any government (funded) initiative that purports to tell people how they should live their lives, there was a backlash.
It started shortly after the BBC's item with a series of tweets by [[Chris Snowdon]]:
{{quote2|Should have known the anti-smoking lobby would rip off the Mo-vember idea. Stoptober?! Doesn't even rhyme<ref name="tac" />}}
{{quote2|Might launch an Oc-tabber campaign for people who like smoking tabs.<ref name="tac" />}}
This was picked up by [[Pat Nurse]]:
{{quote|I first heard about the Govt's Stoptober scheme aimed at getting us all to do "the decent thing" and quit smoking from Chris Snowden's tweets
I liked his idea of launching a counterblast Oct-tabber campaign for people who don't want to quit and it appealed to many people I chatted to in the real and online world who also took that familiar sigh of despair on hearing of yet another "let's give those smokers a shove with tax payers' cash" initiatives - for our own good, of course, because we want it, allegedly.<ref name="tac" />}}
And picked up by numerous other blogs<ref>[http://patnurseblog.blogspot.co.uk/2012/09/octabber-update.html #Octabber update...] - Tea and Cigarettes blog</reF>.

Latest revision as of 20:10, 28 November 2012

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