Linda Bauld

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Positions held

  • 1996 - 1997 - Lecturer, Department of Social Policy, University of Edinburgh. [1]
  • 1997 - 2000 - Research Fellow, Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU), University of Kent at Canterbury. [1]
  • 2000 - 2006 - Lecturer and then Senior Lecturer in Social Policy, Department of Urban Studies, University of Glasgow [1]
  • 2006 - 2010 - Reader and then Professor of Social Policy, Dept of Social and Policy Sciences, University of Bath [1]
  • 2008 - Present(?) - Bath University Tobacco Control Research Group[2]
  • 2011 - present - Professor, School of Management, University of Stirling [3]


BA (Hons) University of Toronto, 1993, PhD (Social Policy) University of Edinburgh, 1997. [1]


Ms Bauld is a proponent of anti-smoking tactics, publishing numerous papers that are distinctly anti-tobacco[4].

In a frenzy of hyperbole, she accused Pro-Smoking bloggers of a campaign of harassment[5]:

Linda Bauld of Stirling University called the police last September when a pro-smoking blogger calling himself Frank Davis wrote that: "You should start worrying when bricks start getting thrown through your window or messages daubed on your door.[6]"[5]

The blog by Frank Davis may be found here[6], and an update by Frank Davis after the Guardian article may be found here[7].

As noted elsewhere however, there was no loud screaming from tobacco-control, of which Ms Bauld is a member, when articles, videos and even video games openly advocate the assaults[8][9], or even murder[10][11], of smokers.

Conflicts of interest

Ms Bauld is one of the founding members of - an anti-smoking website.

Bauld (2012)

Despite having no relevant qualifications in the fields of health, economics or statistics, but as a staunch supporter of anti-smoking tactics, Ms. Bauld was commissioned to produce a report assessing the UK smoking ban 5 years after to was brought in.

Sadly the report stated, among other things,

"Results show benefits for health, changes in attitudes and behaviour and no clear adverse impact on the hospitality industry."[12]

a view at odds with more authoritative report produced in 2011 demonstrating a strong correlation between the introduction of smoking bans, and the decline of the number of pubs open in three different countries which had three different introduction dates (thus ruling out the economic climate as a potential other reason.)
